
This Artical offers a comprehensive walkthrough of CS301p Assignment 2 for the year 2023,

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

class Product
     string name;
     int frequency;

     Product() : name(""), frequency(0) {}

     Product(const string &productName, int productFrequency) : name(productName), frequency(productFrequency) {}

     string getName() const
          return name;

     int getFrequency() const
          return frequency;

     void incrementFrequency()

class Heap
     int currentSize;
     vector<Product> array;
     int capacity;

     Heap(int capacity) : currentSize(0), capacity(capacity)

     void percolateDown(int index)
          int child;
          Product temp = array[index]; // new node bena raha ho

          while (index < currentSize / 2)
               child = 2 * index + 1;

               if (child < currentSize - 1 && array[child].getFrequency() < array[child + 1].getFrequency())

               if (temp.getFrequency() < array[child].getFrequency())
                    array[index] = array[child];
                    index = child;

          array[index] = temp;

     void buildHeap(const vector<Product> &products, int size)
          currentSize = size;
          for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
               array[i] = products[i];

          for (int i = currentSize / 2 - 1; i >= 0; i--)

     void updateFrequency(const string &productName)
          for (int i = 0; i < currentSize; i++)
               if (array[i].getName() == productName)

          buildHeap(array, currentSize);

     void traverse() const
          for (int i = 0; i < currentSize; i++)
               cout << array[i].getName() << " (" << array[i].getFrequency() << ") ";
          cout << endl;

     Product getMax() const
          return array[0];

     bool isEmpty() const
          return currentSize == 0;

     bool isFull() const
          return currentSize == capacity;

int main()
     int capacity = 7;
     Heap heap(capacity);

     vector<Product> products = {
         Product("P1", 15),
         Product("P2", 14),
         Product("P3", 13),
         Product("P4", 10),
         Product("P5", 16),
         Product("P6", 9),
         Product("P7", 12),

     cout << "Current Products with their frequencies" << endl;
     for (const Product &product : products)
          cout << product.getName() << "=" << product.getFrequency() << ", ";
     cout << endl;

     int choice;
          cout << "Enter your choice:\n"
                  "Enter 1 to create Heap\n"
                  "Enter 2 to search for a product and update its frequency\n"
                  "Enter 3 to see the product with the highest frequency\n"
                  "Enter 0 to terminate the program"
               << endl;
          cin >> choice;

          switch (choice)
          case 1:
               heap.buildHeap(products, products.size());
               cout << "Heap created: ";

          case 2:
               string productName;
               cout << "Enter the product you want to search or type 'No' to exit: ";
               cin >> productName;

              while (productName != "No" && productName != "no")
                    cout << "Updated Heap: ";
                    cout << "Enter the product you want to search or type 'No' to exit: ";
                    cin >> productName;

          case 3:
               if (!heap.isEmpty())
                    Product maxProduct = heap.getMax();
                    cout << "Top product: " << maxProduct.getName() << " (" << maxProduct.getFrequency() << ")" << endl;
                    cout << "Heap is empty" << endl;

          case 0:
               cout << "Terminating the program..." << endl;

               cout << "Invalid choice. Please try again." << endl;
     } while (choice != 0);

     return 0;


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